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Displaying of table 3x100 of DBMS
as table 10x10

3 database tables into 1 browser table

Let's consider a typical table (we shall name such "wide" tables as multi-dimensional).

  home horse car yacht
Smith 250 70 50 180
Tomson 340 90 100
Johnson 100 10 210

Multi-dimensional table is stored in a database as three tables (we shall name them as relational). One (here - table "cost") contains records with three fields: identifier of row, identifier of column (primary key consist of two fields) and value for cell. Two others (here - "things" and "family" tables) contains records with three fields too: identifier of row or column (primary key), serial number for visualization of display and name of row (or column).

person goods many
11 101 250
11 52 70
11 23 50
11 84 180
72 101 340
72 23 90
72 84 100
43 101 100
43 23 10
43 84 210
pk ser what
101 1 home
52 2 horse
23 3 car
84 4 yacht
pk ser who
11 1 Smith
72 2 Tomson
43 3 Johnson

We put tag tside inside table, to notify browser, that this table is special. We place tags, name of which are not important, inside thead, tside, tbody. Tag, enclosed into tbody, i.e. 'cost' will not be displayed, if it is intended for row or column, which does not exist.

    <things pk="101" what="home">
    <things pk="52"  what="horse">
    <things pk="23"  what="car">
    <things pk="84"  what="yacht">
    <family pk="11" who="Smith">
    <family pk="72" who="Tomson">
    <family pk="43" who="Johnson">
    <cost person="11" goods="101" many="250">
    <cost person="11" goods="52"  many="70">
    <cost person="11" goods="23"  many="50">
    <cost person="11" goods="84"  many="180">
    <cost person="72" goods="101" many="340">
    <cost person="72" goods="23"  many="90">
    <cost person="72" goods="84"  many="100">
    <cost person="43" goods="101" many="100">
    <cost person="43" goods="23"  many="10">
    <cost person="43" goods="84"  many="210">
thead {
  pk:      §pk;
  attract: §goods;
  content: §what;
tside {
  pk:      §pk;
  attract: §person;
  content: §who;
tbody {
  content: §many;

It's easy to get such constructions by SQL-requests like the following (language SQL5 is more adapted for that)

select '<table><thead>'
select '<things pk='  + pk + ' what=' + what + '>' from things order by ser
select '</thead><tside>'
select '<family pk='  + pk + ' who=' + who + '>' from family order by ser
select '</tside><tbody>'
select '<cost person=' + person + ' goods=' + goods + ' many=' + many + '>' from cost
select '</tbody></table>';

Sending of form


then browser sends following XML-text
<cost person="11" goods="52"  many="80">
<cost person="43" goods="101" many="110">

Dmitry Turin

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