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Different for databases

Поддержка транзакций

Several html-documents, demonstrated consequtively, can be created by consequtively 'select ...' of the same transaction of DBMS (see slide Selection into LAN & WAN stops transaction: each 'select ...'

). So pressing button "Back" in browser must not only demonstrate previous html-document, but also submit command "rollback".

And button "Next" must be implemented in browser menu to submit command prolong, and to inform to continue transaction.

Besides this, button "Commit" must be implemented in browser menu to submit command "commit", commiting transaction in current savepoint.

Because often usage, buttons "Add", "Dell", "All" must be implemented in browser menu, instead of html-document (instead as html-elements).

"Select" like "Dialogue"

Elements select of the same page, referencing to database tables, bound by foreign key (tables contain columns "option" and "value"), are in relation master-slave as well as elements dialogue.

<select roll="M"/>
<select roll="S"/>

Some small things

Pressing button <input type=submit> (<button type=submit>) with unspecified attribute name submits form without attaching value of attribute value of this button.

Property save=yes of form means, that at saving html-document (pressing Ctrl-S), input fields will be saved together with values, entered into them.
form {
  save: yes;


Content of this publication has relation to document of separate project.

Dmitry Turin

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