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Chart from database

Syntax and behaviour

Behaviour of chart from database coincides with behaviour of table from database - difference is only in way of representation of information. Fields, on which chart is built, can be duplicated in controls similarly, as it is make for table from database - except that chart can not be build on base of columns, containing boolean data or pictures, thus checkbox and pic can not be so controls. If user click on node of broken line or on segment of "pie", master table will be displayed in separate browser window in the same way.

<chart roll="A"/>
Kind of diagram is specified by property presentation, charts of different kind use different quantity of data columns, and data columns have different destination.
chart {
  presentation: decart;
  x:            §a1;
  y:            §a2;

If property z is specified, then chart is 3D; if property z is not specified, then chart is 2D. If property y is not specified, then sequence of natural numbers (beginning from 1) is use instead it, and chart is 2D.

If at least one of properties f1, f2, f3 is specified (vector field is displayed), than geometrical figures in nodes of chart are arrows, direction and length of arrows are equal to vector [f1, f2, f3]; properties point-type, point-height, point-width (which are used to display scalar field) are ignored.

chart {
  point-type:   §a4;
  point-color:  §a5;

It's impossible to specify properties f and r, because they are calculated automatically on base of other properties, but it's possible to check their values in selectors: f=(f12 + f22 + f32)1/2, r=(x2 + y2 + z2)1/2.

a [r > 5] {
  point-color: red;
a [f > 3] {
  point-color: green;
kind of chartproperty
decart, polarx, y, z, r, f1, f2, f3, f

Properties of charts covers of majority of properties and attributes of element line (but height and width of geometrical figure can be informatical, therefore height and width are specified separately), but chart has own unique properties of group plumb and veneer.

Plumbs are vertical lines from each node of decart chart to axix 'X' (in 2D-case) or plane 'X,Y' (in 3D-case), or from each node of polar chart to center of chart (in 2D- and 3D-cases).

Veneers are planes between plumbs (in 2D- and 3D-cases).

tagpropertydefault valuelist of possible values
<chart action= > point-typenullnull (none), disc, circle, square, decimal, star, romb, triangle, hex
section-color, plumb-color,
blackaqva, black, blue, fuchsia, gold, gray, green, indigo, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, purple, red, silver, teal, violet, white, yellow, #FFFFFF
section-type, plumb-type none none, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, triple
point-height, point-width,
section-width, plumb-width
thinthin, medium, thick, float
section-note, plumb-note,
 any text
section-begin, section-end any text
section-title, plumb-title,
 any text
alignintohorside, verside, into
splinenoyes, no
gridnoyes, no
grid4cursornoyes, no
x-logarithmic, y-logarithmic, z-logarithmic any natural number, more 1
x-label, y-label, z-label any text

Creating of several graph on one chart

For example, 'japanese candles' is combination of three 2D decart graph: first has color of plumb, different from background; second has no plumb; and third has color of plumb, equal to color of background. Each graph is assigned by element cbody, chart body (thus there are several such elements inside chart). All distinations and properties, mentioned above, can be specified both for chart, and for cbody.

<chart several="stacked">
  <cbody roll="A">
  <cbody roll="B">
  <cbody roll="C">

Whether several graph can cross each other, and if they can, then how they should be placed, is specified by property several of element chart:

Dmitry Turin

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